This hike explores Coffee Bean Canyon and wild terrain in the western Mecca Hills. You start off on dirt roads along the Coachella Canal. Next you climb through a twisting canyon with interesting coffee-colored walls. Finally you reach a wide clearing and explore your choice of small canyons with narrows and intricate erosional forms. There are no trails so it's best if you enjoy exploration. The approach along the canal is a bit long but can sometimes be skipped if you have 4WD.
open accessoct - mayany vehicle
Park at the end of Airport Blvd near the west end of a bridge over the Coachella Canal. The hike begins by crossing the bridge and following dirt roads along the east side of the canal.
The dirt roads along the canal are sometimes open and suitable for 4WD vehicles. If so you may be able to drive right to the mouth of Coffee Bean Canyon. As always, use your judgment.